The 43rd Wessex Association

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Since the completion of the Allies’ campaign in Northwest Europe in May 1945, many groups and Associations have been formed (such as the Normandy Veterans Association, the Market Garden Association, and the Arnhem Veterans’ Club). which embrace veterans of various battles. Additionally, Regimental and Old Comrades Associations, together with the Royal British Legion, have provided comradeship and care for the individual veterans themselves.

Generally speaking, Regimental Offices safeguard the histories and achievements of the separate regiments and corps, but very little cognisance has been afforded to the special and dedicated fighting entities which were assembled for the specific purpose of pursuing defined objectives, such as the liberation of Europe.

Such entities ranged from Army Groups to Armies, Army Corps, Divisions and support forces such as Armoured Brigades, Artillery regiments, Royal Engineers, Royal Army Medical Corps and support logistics.

Many of the support forces became part of an Infantry division, or were attached from time to time. As the objectives were achieved the Armies and their Divisions were either disbanded, reformed or scattered, leaving their combined victories and human losses, to the whims of historical and anecdotal recollection.

A number of Divisions which were part of the British 2nd Army have formed Associations specifically to “bridge the gap” between the organisations which look after the individual veterans, and those who wish to honour and recall the traditions of cohesive fighting units brought together during the 2nd World War.

The 43rd Wessex Association is such an organisation. One special feature which belongs to the Association is the Divisional emblem of the Wessex Wyvern, which has the distinction of having been worn by a unit of the British Army since 1935.

Today it is the emblem of the 43rd (Wessex) Brigade (TA).

The principal purposes of the Association are to link the veterans and traditions of the old Division with the present day Brigade, so as to preserve its history, honour and maintain its Memorials, and to provide a Veterans’ Association for those whose units were disbanded and for whom no other Old Comrades Association exists.

If you would care to join with us in our endeavours, do, please, complete the attached Membership Application form and return to the Hon Secretary for his attention.


Saturday, 26 November, 2005 16:58

Site by Severn Beach